April 18, 2010

Baseball, wine and bloggers!

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! Mine was great! Very busy, but it was so nice!

Friday: Red Sox game! It was FREEZING! I went to the game with one of my girlfriends and it was about 37 degrees and pouring! The line for hot chocolate was longer than any beer long I've ever seen at a ball game! At the top of the 9th, they rained the game out and we left, so that was a bummer! And even though it felt like January, it's officially baseball season now that I've been to a game this season!
Saturday: Another RAD workout and then I came home, made a yummy dinner of brown rice with black bean almond pesto and then got myself prettied up for The Second Glass's Wine Riot! It was a wine expo featuring 250 different wines and it was so much fun!
Sunday: BLOGGER MEET UP IN BOSTON! This was quite possible the highlight of my weekend! A whole bunch of us bloggers met up before the BAA 5k (all thanks to the lovely Morgan at Caution: Red Head Running who organized the whole thing). I watched Morgan, Lauren and Katie with Katie's husband and Spike and then we met up with a whole slew of other bloggers for breakfast and had a great morning! Thanks to everyone who came out! I awesome to meet you all and good luck tomorrow!

After my meet-up, I headed to the gym (I'm a wuss in the cold!) for an 8 mile run! It was great! Such a good run! I ran the 10k part of it in 57:10 which is so much faster than my 10k last week! And I did the whole run in 1:13:43 which is awesome! I know I can run the half in close to two hours! I don't have a goal time just yet, but the closer I am to 2:00, the better! Now, I'm lying on my couch icing my hip though because it's killing just about as bad as it did the Friday before my race. But hey, I still raced and felt great, so I'll be fine =)

Oh and check out my new kicks!

I love them!

By the way, go check me out on The Novelista Barista! She did a blogger feature and it's on ME! How cool is that? And she has a great blog, so definitely go check her out!

Oh and can I just say that I'm super behind on my Google Reader and promise to get to all of you lovelies tomorrow! And for those of you who are new and have left me such sweet comments (seriously, I received 2 comments today that MADE my day!), I will get back to you and check out your blogs tomorrow!

Also, I have 10 new followers this weekend! How exciting is that?! So, if you're new, leave me a comment and say hi and tell me something random about yourself like your favorite cheese! And I'll go check you out! In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!

For the record, my favorite cheese is manchego!

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