August 9, 2010

Marathon Monday

Happy Monday!

I am writing this post from my Blackberry and am just east of South Bend, Indiana headed back to Washington, D.C. from what has been a fantastic roadtrip! I hope you've all had a great weekend!

I'm so ready to not travel for the next few weeks. I was away the entire month of July, just about; and on top of moving, it's just been crazy busy! I've only spent one night in my new apartment! So I'm excited to get back to New York tomorrow and start making the place feel like home and test out some running routes nearby!

So that brings me to Marathon Monday talk! I had planned for 13.5 miles this week and only got in 12, so I ended up matching my mileage for last week. Part of me is disappointed, but at the same time, I'm ok with the fact that I didn't run LESS than I ran last week so I'm not really too far off from my training. While in Chicago, I did manage to get 3 training runs in: 3 miles immediately after the 12 hour drive there, 2.5 miles early Saturday morning, and 3 miles late Sunday night. I couldn't have run my planned 5 miles yesterday if I wanted to. We got up super early and headed to Milwaukee for the Brewers game and got back at 9:30pm and left again at 10:30 to go back into Chicago for a tour of US Cellular Field (more on that later!) So I only had an hour to run, shower and be out the door. There was no way to fit 5 miles into that timespan.

So that brings me to this week. I'm still a bit unsure of what I'm going to do since I did come up short 1.5 miles from last week and don't want to increase my mileage too much and risk hurting my knee so I'm kind of in a bind as to what to do.I also skipped both of my cross-training sessions this week, but I didn't expect to be able to fit those in. So I think I'm just going to play it by ear this week and see how I feel as I go!

When I get back to DC, if I can get 1.5-2 miles in, than I'll tack it on to this past week's run and I'll still count it toward last week. If I can manage that, I'll aim for 17.5 miles this week. We'll see!

I'll be back tomorrow with pictures and a roadtrip recap! This weekend has by far been the best weekend of summer and I can't wait to tell you all about it!
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