September 23, 2010

three things thursday

1. United Nations - As I announced in my last post, I've been volunteering at the UN this week for the Millennium Development Goal Summit and the General Assembly. It has been amazing! It's been so busy and I've been on my feet nonstop for the last 4 days, but it has been so worth it! I've been up between 4 and 5 every morning and at the UN between 6 and 7! But I've had an incredible time and I'm so sad it's all over tomorrow! I've gotten the opportunity to meet the Presidents of Laos, the Dominican Republic, Liberia and the UN Secretary-General. And I've gotten the chance to see (very up close and personally!) Queen Rania of Jordan, President Kagame of Rwanda, the Foreign Ministers of Germany and Cuba, Craig David, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama! It's so exciting!

2. Marathon Training - Since I've been posting my Marathon Training plan on my other blog, I thought I'd mention that training is going swimmingly! I have an 18-mile run on deck for this weekend and a Half-Marathon next weekend and I'm super excited about them both!

3. Whip it Up Wednesdays - Will be back next week =) I've finally gotten on top of all of my school work and it's a huge weight off my shoulder. Of course, it's going to continue to pile on, but I plan on spending my weekend relaxing and not feeling bogged down by piles and piles of school work...and enjoying what is supposed to be beautiful weather!

Happy Thursday!


  1. Those are good things on Thursday. Nice post too. Keep it up.


  2. Wow congrats on the UN; I at one point had it in my brain that I was going to work there! haha I took 3 foreign language classes for 3 years and then into college took 2 more. Yet here I am the same girl I was before with dreams of USDA in my head. haha It is too exciting about all the diplomats you are encountering and might one day converse with! Hats off to you! Good luck!


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