November 3, 2010

October Recap!

Hello friends in Bloggyland and Happy November! I'm back from the clear blue sunny skies of Florida and in the cold, frosty New York City smog! The only good thing about my return to New York was that Starbucks was giving away free samples of Peppermint Mocha yesterday! (That free sample soon turned into a grande soy Pepperming Mocha) So yes, winter has come to NY and a new month is upon us and that means it's time to recap the month of October! So, in the month of October, I:
  • Finished my marathon training with my last 20 mile run and am officially tapering for my first marathon!!!
  • Have kept up with my blog despite the craziness of work and school. I was at 9 posts this month (up from 5 in September) but down from an average of 15 over the last few months, so I've gotta get on it!
  • Survived my first round of midterms and wrote my first paper for grad school!
  • Finished up baseball season having visited 11 ballparks! (19 to go!)
  • Finished watching every episode of The Office and crossed my first thing off my list!
  • Read Mrs. Dalloway off The Book List (which I hated).
  • Watched 3 movies off The Movie List.
  • Cooked 3 more recipes out of one of my cookbooks!
Not a bad month at all! I've got big plans for this winter though, so keep posted because I'm about to start knocking things off this list like crazy!

Hope everyone is having a great week! Pics from Harry Potter World are forthcoming! 
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