I ran my first 5k this morning! A little late right? Usually one starts with a 5k and then moves up to 10ks, Half-Marathons and Marathons, but I skipped right over this distance and went straight for a 10k.
Anyway, as you all know, I'm in Sunshiny Florida visiting my beloved and I decided to run a local 5k! This was a teeny tiny race with less than 100 people in a housing development that was beautiful! It was very well organized. The race started just on the side of this beautiful little lake (pond?) in the development. Since it was my first small race, I was a little bit confused as to where to line up since there were no corrals, so I just lined up close to the finish line but not too close.
As soon as I started, I felt like I was going out too fast based on how quickly the guys in front of me went out so I slowed up a bit to a comfortable pace. I hit Mile 1 at 8:10 and Mile 2 at 16:30. When I rounded Mile 3, I started to feel the effects of running so fast but I didn't want to lose my pace so I kept up with it. Since every race I've run has been a longer distance, I've maintained a slower than normal pace throughout and sprinted out the finish but I knew I was definitely giving it my all when I saw the Finish Line and had almost nothing left to give. I picked it up as much as I could and ran through the Finish in 25:38!
When I got home and checked the results, I found out that I placed 1st in my Age Group! Awesome start to the 2011 Race Season!
Sadly, I don't have any pictures because I forgot to give my camera to The Pilot but nonetheless, it was a great race!
Anyway, as you all know, I'm in Sunshiny Florida visiting my beloved and I decided to run a local 5k! This was a teeny tiny race with less than 100 people in a housing development that was beautiful! It was very well organized. The race started just on the side of this beautiful little lake (pond?) in the development. Since it was my first small race, I was a little bit confused as to where to line up since there were no corrals, so I just lined up close to the finish line but not too close.
As soon as I started, I felt like I was going out too fast based on how quickly the guys in front of me went out so I slowed up a bit to a comfortable pace. I hit Mile 1 at 8:10 and Mile 2 at 16:30. When I rounded Mile 3, I started to feel the effects of running so fast but I didn't want to lose my pace so I kept up with it. Since every race I've run has been a longer distance, I've maintained a slower than normal pace throughout and sprinted out the finish but I knew I was definitely giving it my all when I saw the Finish Line and had almost nothing left to give. I picked it up as much as I could and ran through the Finish in 25:38!
When I got home and checked the results, I found out that I placed 1st in my Age Group! Awesome start to the 2011 Race Season!
Sadly, I don't have any pictures because I forgot to give my camera to The Pilot but nonetheless, it was a great race!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!