February 10, 2011

three things thursday

1. Field Placement - After much heightened anticipation from my favorite marathon running professor (although now 3 of my professors are runners so I probably can't say that anymore), I have finally been matched with my field placement for my Applied Peacebuilding class and this summer I will be heading to the lush tropical forests and white beaches Central and Uva provinces of Sri Lanka! (Hopefully I'll get to see the forests and beaches at some point!) I am unbelievably excited for a plethora of reasons but mostly for the fact that because I'll be in Sri Lanka so I would be stupid to not go to India since, hi...they're neighbors, so my dream of going to India will become a reality and I'll be able to cross that off the list! I don't know my project specifics because well, I'll be designing a project over the course of the semester and then implementing it in country when I get there. How awesome is that?

2. NYC Half-Marathon Training - I do not feel like I am training for a half-marathon. I don't know what it is. I'm getting all of my runs in. I'm not strength or cross-training like I was when I started training but honestly, I'm still trying to figure out when I have time to make it to the gym. But I never cross-trained for the full marathon so if anything the extra workouts would  be adding on rather than taking away. I don't know what it is, I just don't feel like I'm in training mode. I'm running as if I'm in training mode but mentally I don't feel like I'm there. Have any of you ever felt like this? Like you just didn't feel like you were training? Is it that training has become second nature to me and something I do as easily as I brush my teeth or is it something else? Is this a bad thing? Does it mean I'm not mentally prepared for the race? Weigh in on this please!

3. Birthday - It's my birthday weekend! Well one of my birthday weekends at least...since my birthday falls in the middle of the week, I'm celebrating twice this year! This weekend in Florida with my honey (who is also celebrating his birthday weekend) and next weekend in DC with my crazy friends who I haven't seen in forever. I'm not the type to go crazy on my birthday, so please don't think that...I actually boycotted my birthday for about 6 years of my life, but then I got smart and realized that it's a really good way to see all of your friends at once so now I tend to celebrate! I'm ridiculously excited to go to Florida this weekend and get away from the cold(er) front that hit us this week and even more excited to see The Pilot and celebrate his birthday too! 

Enjoy the rest of your week!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 

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