1. New Shoes - After consulting with my
Running Advisory Committee about the fact that I realized on my easy run on Monday that I was in desperate need of new shoes, I went to
JackRabbit after work and explained my situation: I'm less than 2 weeks out from my next half-marathon and I don't think I'll be able to run it in the shoes I have now. I've been wanting to try out a different pair of shoes for awhile but thought I would be able to make it through the NYC Half...nope. After a gait analysis and an oh so friendly sales guy who brought me 100 different pair of shoes to try on, I decided to stick with my guns and buy my regular old Nike Pegasus shoes...except this time, they came in
bright colors! So, behold and meet the PRINs (PR-in) because these babies are gonna bring me a sweet, glorious PR in New York City next weekend!
2. Spring Break - Spring break starts tonight! Unfortunately, I have a long day ahead of me that includes being at work, an event at work, lunch with a potential travel buddy, physical therapy, class until 9:15,hitting the gym for the run that I
couldn't wake up for missed this morning and packing and them I'm off to Texas in the morning! I'm going camping tomorrow night and I can't wait to just be in Texas and be with my family and relax all week...along with trying to drag my 16-year-old sister running with me...we'll see how that goes! I
can't wait to run in shorts next week!
3. New Jersey Marathon Festival - I'm very close to signing up for the New Jersey Half-Marathon. I've been thinking about if for about a week now and I think I'm definitely going to do it. It's a beautiful course and my uncle lives on the race route so it would be really easy to get to. I'm also trying to convince
Emily to do it. I think that if she signs up for it and I sign up for a triathlon, we'll be even. This race is exactly 8 weeks after NYC (and 6 weeks after the Cherry Blossom) so I think I'll be in good shape for but I 'm worried about injury. Is that too much too soon? Anyone have experience running close races like this?
That's this week's Three Things Thursday!
Next time you hear from me, I'll be writing from the Lone Star State!