April 21, 2011

three things thursday

1. Cross-Training - I know that I'm supposed to cross-train  and I know why it's so good and important for runners but truth be told, I just don't do it. I try and I'm always really good about it for all of 3 weeks into a training cycle but then I fall off the bandwagon. Honestly, working almost full time and being in school full time with 3 days a week that are 15 hour days, I just don't have time. Well, Tuesday after work I went to the gym and had to wait about 10 minutes to get on a treadmill. I didn't want to just stand around so I hopped on a recumbent bike for the time being. I only managed 2 miles on the treadmill because I had to get to class but I felt awesome. If 10 minutes on the lazy man's bike could make me feel that good during and after a workout, I'm sold on what 30 minutes to an hour the day before a workout can do for me.

2. NYRR 4-Mile - I'm supposed to run a race this weekend. It will be my 3rd qualifier for the 2012 NYC Marathon through the 9+1 Guaranteed Entry program. I really want to run it except I don't know if I'll be able to. Truth is, I'm sick. I took 2 days off last week and I felt better in Boston but last night in class, two people actually stopped in the middle of class to ask if I was ok because I looked like I was dying and I didn't feel any better than I looked. I can't quite explain my symptoms but I just feel incredibly weak and it's starting to worry me. I went to the doctor today and they said my blood pressure is really low but other than that I seemed fine so they did some blood work to try and find out what's really going on. I'm trying to be optimistic because the idea of missing a 2nd race this month is not something I want to think about right now.

3. Boston - In case you aren't sick of hearing about the Boston Marathon. Spectating was every much as fun as I thought it would be. I was at Mile 23 with one of my very best friends from when I lived in Boston and a few of her friends. Everyone running just looked like they were having the time of their lives. Boston was such an amazing weekend and I'm so glad I got to be part of it all. And who knows? Maybe one day I'll BQ myself and make the jaunt from Hopkington to Boston.

I know the military races every year but they don't wear bibs...do they bandit the Boston Marathon??

It was a little warm for this...
Recognize this sweat-tastic girl? I spotted her looking strong at 23!
The pack coming down from Washington Square and out of Brookline.

That's about all I have energy for today.
I think I'm going to leave work soon and get some sleep. 
Cross your fingers for me to be able to race this weekend!
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