July 25, 2011

Love/Don't Love

1. I'm slowly getting back into my normal routine which means the return of 'Love/Don't Love' posts are back! Love.
2. The Pilot came to visit this weekend and after not seeing him in over 2 months, it was just what I needed to get me out of the funk I was in from jet lag/being sick/traveling/etc. Love.
3. I have a 25 page paper due this week that I am just now starting. I can't fully begin to enjoy what I hope will be my very own wet hot American summer until this paper is finished. Don't Love.
4. I still have some awesome travel posts planned recapping my most recent trip overseas...with lots of pictures! Love.
5. Even though The Pilot was in town for approximately 24 hours, we had an absolutely perfect weekend together that was jam packed with running errands, seeing Harry Potter and attending a family bbq. Love.
6. I am finally cured of my jet lag and am feeling a thousand times better than I was last week. Love.
7. Blogger and Firefox seem to be having some issues lately and I haven't been able to write posts from Firefox in over a week! It seems to be stuck in 'Edit HTML' mode but even when I type in HTML, my posts are blank! Is anyone else having this problem? Don't Love.
8. Training for the Marine Corps Marathon has had an intermittent start due to the severe weather conditions of India, being sick from traveling and jet lag. After spending all last week thinking that I might not be ready to start training, I had a fantastic run yesterday and am happy to announce that my training cycle has officially comenced. Love.
9. Sweaty Emily is officially an IronWOman as of somewhere around 8pm yesterday! Make sure you pop over to her blog to give her a HUGE congratulations. I also have to give a shoutout to her awesome brother, mom and the oh so famous Rocketship for spectating their sweattastic loved one for nearly 14 hours. If that's not love, I don't know what is! Love.
10. Today is my dad's birthday! Happy Birthday Daddy!

That's all for today! I'm off to go knock this paper out!
Stay tuned this week for the rest of my travel posts along with weekly training recaps and a summer update on The List!

Have a great start to the week everyone!

PS: Sorry for the lack of pictures on this post! I am trying to write a paper after all =)


  1. haha great post girl :) xo

  2. I love that you're back to your regularly scheduled blogging, including Love/Don't Love!

  3. so great to have you back! can't wait for those travel posts!!

  4. Great post! I saw Harry Potter this weekend, too. I found you via Mingle Monday and I'm adding you to my reader :) Your blog is adorable!

  5. Stopping by from Mingle Monday. I love the idea behind your blog. So fun! :)

  6. thanks girl! i'm SO happy you're back stateside! can't wait to see you and hear allllllll about your trip! when are you in DC again?!


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