September 13, 2011

Love/Don't Love

1. This weekend was amazing. I love having The Pilot around! He came to see me Friday night and we had a great night out on the town together. Love.
2. I only blogged once last week. I didn't realize how busy I was until the weekend hit. Don't Love. 
3. Classes started last week and as of this week they're in full swing. Love.
4. I absolutely hated one of my classes and am currently on the wait list for that I went to today that I loved so I'm really hoping I get in. Don't Love.
5. I had a fantastic 18 mile run yesterday. I maintained a strong, steady pace close to my marathon goal pace and I had a negative split. Love.
6. I'm unbelievable sore today. Despite icing, foam rolling, stretching, etc. I'm almost (but not quite) as sore as I was the day after my marathon last year. Don't Love.
7. I'm racing this weekend! I haven't raced since the Mini 10k in June and I'm super excited to get out there and run the Fitness Mind, Body and Spirit Games! I'm hoping to turn the 4-miler into my 20-miler but we'll see. Love.
8. Baseball season is slowly coming to a close which, I'm sad to say, I could care less about. The Mets were a joke this year and I'm ready for them to be put out of their misery. Don't Love.
8. It's officially football season and the Jets won last night! The Jets, thank goodness, are going to have a much better season this year than the Mets did. Love.
9. I didn't really have any pictures to go with this post so it's kind of lame looking. Don't Love.
10. But since everyone loves puppies, and I don't like picture-less posts, here's one of The Pilot's puppy!

Her name is Peyton and she is adorable.
We get along...sometimes...except when she tries to give me kisses. 
Happy Monday y'all! 
Have a great week!
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