1. Cleveland - I'm getting pumped for a weekend of running, baseball and being touristy in the city that Ted Mosby hails from. Wooooo! I'm oddly excited for the Cleveland Half this weekend (I'm not sure why it's odd, but just go with it) and even more excited to hit up a game at Progressive Field! I really want a shirt that says "Wahooooo Baseball" because "Wahoooo" is just about my favorite expression...especially when it comes to baseball. I'm hoping to hit up the West Side Market, Great Lakes Brewing Co...and I probably won't have time for much else, but it's still going to be an awesome weekend!
2. Capital BikeShare - Add this to one of my new all time favorite things in DC. Long gone are the days where I didn't cross train. Here to stay are the days where I forget that riding a bicycle is a legitimate work out and that riding up Capitol Hill is no freaking joke. Yesterday, I left work and rode a bike to the Lincoln Memorial to meet up with The Pilot (I love that that's where we met up). We rode to Metro Center to do a little wedding shopping for next weekend at H&M. Then, we rode home. Spotted along the way, this guy who decided to turn the BikeShare into a stationary work out.
Seriously though, come to DC and ride the bikes. It's the best way to get around this city. I bought an annual membership ($7 a month vs. $7 a day without a membership).
3. #hollychallenge - This is the hash tag I've dubbed for the challenge that Holly and her coworkers have come up with for their 12 week personal improvement challenge. First of all, I love that she has such an awesome support crew at work that will partake in something like this. Second, it just seems awesome! Each week, there is a different challenge. The idea is to incorporate all of them as you go through the challenge so that you adopt a more healthy lifestyle. I consider myself pretty healthy to begin with but these are great. This week's challenge: Drink at least 8 cups of water a day. This one is tough, not because of the water itself, but because I have to pee all the time. Oh man. You can check out Holly's blog for all of the challenges. Next week's task: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Considering I live on the 9th floor, this will be a blast.
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Not sure how much water to drink? Here's a good rule of thumb to follow. via |
So that's what's going on this Thursday morning. What's going on with you? Any races this weekend? Have you ever been to Cleveland? What should I add to my list? Does your city have a bikeshare program?
Good Luck in Cleveland this weekend! If you are looking for cute Indians shirts go to CLEclothing company. They have a website but also a store on E.4th downtown. They also just came out with a Cleveland running shirt.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE that you just referenced How I Met Your Mother! And holy crap, I am so excited to hear about this #hollychallenge I guess I haven't gotten over to blog in a few days to read about this, but I think it's so great and I'm excited to help support! I may decide to join in myself! I know I need help drinking the proper amount of water!
ReplyDeleteYAYYYYY :-D This whole post made me smile!!!! I am so looking forward to seeing you this weekend, I only wish I wasn't so busy on Saturday so that I can explore with you!! I hope you enjoy the game, I think I might be going to my brother's game in Akron tomorrow night (only 40 mins away) if things aren't too crazy, so if you end up coming in town then and want to experience a different minor league game, let me know :)
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, definitely hit up West Side Market and Great Lakes Brew Co. You might also like Market Garden Brewery (literally right next to WSM and across from GLBC) if you get a chance or want something different. That whole area is really up and coming and fun. You'll be down at the lake front for the race to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame which is cool. I don't know what time you're planning to leave on Sunday so we can chat through e-mail if you wanted to do anything later that day, although I'm sure we'll be pretty tired, haha.
And thanks for doing the challenge with me!! I'm going to have a link up every week, even if no one else joins in, so if you want to blog about it feel free to link up :)
Hahaha the guy on the bike is fun. BUt hey, at least he is doing something. He could sit at home and watch tv instead.