Jeez, I can't believe we're more than half way through the month of June already. Counting down the days while making it through my 30 Day Yoga Challenge has definitely made the month fly by.
So, we're 6 months into the year and if you've been reading along for a bit, you know that I've been following the Runners' World Guide to a Fitter, Faster You over the course of this year. Each month has a goal that will ultimately help you to be a stronger runner. I've been following the month-by-month guide somewhat diligently with the exception of switching up the months of May and June, so here we are in June, where I'm following May's advice: Sneak in Speed.
The Guide gives some recommendations for good speed workouts that don't involve a track, which is great because I have yet to find a track that is conveniently located to my DC apartment. I know that once Marathon Training rolls around, I'll have to seek out a track but for now, I'm happy to work on some of these workouts:
Strides: I typically run 20-30 second strides at the end of every mile on a run anywhere from 4-6 miles. I realized I was doing these wrong for a long time by going for an all out sprint, rather than just focusing on lengthening my stride. I aim to do these at least once or twice a week on easy runs.
Progression Runs: These are my favorite, especially when they happen without me realizing it. The goal is to run each mile faster than the mile before. This trains your body (and your brain!) to run faster even when your legs aren't feeling too fresh. I try to run my long runs as progression runs, getting just a little bit faster each mile, aiming to negative split the run.
Marathon Goal Pace Runs: Last week, I headed out for 4 miles and ran 2 at MGP. These are essential to marathon training and while, I'm not quite training yet, it doesn't hurt to start getting accustomed to the pace I want to be hitting in October, now.
Some of The Guide's other recommendations are hill sprints and running with faster friends. I haven't yet to tackle hill sprints, but there's a nasty hill around my block that's just calling my name and well, as far as faster friends go...who wants to come run with me?
So, we're 6 months into the year and if you've been reading along for a bit, you know that I've been following the Runners' World Guide to a Fitter, Faster You over the course of this year. Each month has a goal that will ultimately help you to be a stronger runner. I've been following the month-by-month guide somewhat diligently with the exception of switching up the months of May and June, so here we are in June, where I'm following May's advice: Sneak in Speed.
The Guide gives some recommendations for good speed workouts that don't involve a track, which is great because I have yet to find a track that is conveniently located to my DC apartment. I know that once Marathon Training rolls around, I'll have to seek out a track but for now, I'm happy to work on some of these workouts:
Strides: I typically run 20-30 second strides at the end of every mile on a run anywhere from 4-6 miles. I realized I was doing these wrong for a long time by going for an all out sprint, rather than just focusing on lengthening my stride. I aim to do these at least once or twice a week on easy runs.
Progression Runs: These are my favorite, especially when they happen without me realizing it. The goal is to run each mile faster than the mile before. This trains your body (and your brain!) to run faster even when your legs aren't feeling too fresh. I try to run my long runs as progression runs, getting just a little bit faster each mile, aiming to negative split the run.
Marathon Goal Pace Runs: Last week, I headed out for 4 miles and ran 2 at MGP. These are essential to marathon training and while, I'm not quite training yet, it doesn't hurt to start getting accustomed to the pace I want to be hitting in October, now.
Some of The Guide's other recommendations are hill sprints and running with faster friends. I haven't yet to tackle hill sprints, but there's a nasty hill around my block that's just calling my name and well, as far as faster friends go...who wants to come run with me?
That's that! What are some of your favorite speed workouts?
Do you sneak in speedwork during your off season?