August 7, 2013

Wednesday Things

It's only already Wednesday and this week has been wonderful.

Ever since I got back from California, I've been moving non-stop...either going out with friends or going to yoga after work and not eating dinner or getting home until 9 or 10:00.

I haven't had time to go grocery shopping and have been living off of rice and beans and wilted spinach for a month and it's definitely showing in my energy levels since I'm usually such a big meal planner.

This week, I turned down all plans so that I could get some down time. Monday, after work, I went for a nice 4 mile run on the Mount Vernon Trail. Last night, I came home and decided to try out a new recipe for The Pilot who was coming home from a trip. It was terrible. We probably should have scrapped it and ordered pizza. Oh well.

Aside from the weekend, the only plans I have made are for tonight to go running on the Mall with a friend. I have to run after work anyway, so why not make a date out of it? Also, because I love the Mall and it's my favorite place in the world America...which is why it was so perfect that The Pilot proposed there.

Speaking of that, a lot of people have been asking me if I'm going to blog about wedding planning. I hadn't really thought about it until the questions started rolling in. I've seen a lot of bloggers write "Wedding Wednesday" posts (my goodness, I love the blogging world's appreciation for alliteration) but I had never thought about doing them myself. I am a blogger and obviously blog about my life so I'm not going to not write about wedding planning, but I think it will be more tidbits that I include in my Three Things Thursday posts...or if there's something I feel merits an entire post, that's what I want to do.

At the end of the day, I'm training for the Marine Corps Marathon and pretty soon, that's going to be the majority of what I'm writing about but if people ask, I'll write some posts about wedding planning too =)

The only things I can tell you about our wedding right now are that it will be in DC and that we are looking at venues this month. As for everything else, it'll all unfold in time and I'm not too worried about it.

So that's that!

Tell me: Have you ever taken a break from everything just to have time to zone out with the TV on or read a good book? What are your thoughts on blogging about weddings?

Happy Hump Day!
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