March 19, 2014

{On Unplugging}

Last night, after work, I went to my favorite yoga class with my favorite instructor and zen-d out. It was perfection. I stretched my hamstrings and opened my hips and just felt so good. Afterwards, I chatted with Meaghan who had joined me for the class and headed home.

I took Peyton for a nice long walk and called my sister. Then, I checked my email and got seriously worked up over a stupid email. I was so upset that instead of making the nice, healthy dinner I planned, I boiled pasta which I'm so so so sick of doing. I ate it in about 3 minutes and then sat on the couch and watched two episodes of Scandal, went to bed way too late and didn't sleep at all.

So I'm making a new rule. No PM email. No PM social media. I sit in front of a computer at work all day on email. I have a smart phone. I don't need to open every single email I read within 5 minutes of receiving it. It's ok to let it sit and linger for a bit.

I've always been so good at unplugging. Every time I've ever gone overseas, the lack of international capabilities on my phones have always forced me to unplug and I've loved it. Last year, I never took a vacation, which means that last year, I never unplugged.

But lately, I feel glued to my phone. I get home from work and keep my phone at my side while watching TV. It's already been six months since I left the job that brought me to DC...which means, it's been six months since I've had to keep my work email on my phone and check it constantly...which means that I don't need to keep my phone at my side anymore.

The Pilot and I have been itching to get a weekend away for the last month and I'm really hoping we can make it happen in April.

I'm also hoping that with the coming of spring and the increasing of my weekly mileage, I'll get some more time outdoors and off my computer/phone.

This winter seems to have been unbearably difficult on everyone, myself included. The fact that there is yet again snow in the 10 day forecast makes it impossible to be optimistic that spring will ever arrive.

But, one day, it will and then it will be glorious and I'll spend my days riding Bikeshare bikes, running up and down the Mount Vernon Trail and the National Mall, and lounging poolside, and all will be well.

So, no PM email. Get outside. Drink water. UNPLUG. That's my plan moving forward. 
What's yours?
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