June 2, 2014

A Blissful Weekend

I haven't had a weekend that was this perfect since college.

You know what's awesome? Having a job that you love. Having a job that you can put down at 5:00 on Friday and not think about until 9:00 on Monday morning. Having a job that doesn't have you spending half of Sunday dreading tomorrow. I consider myself tremendously lucky, especially given that this time last year, I was downright miserable.

On Friday, The Pilot met me at my office and we headed to the running store that I still work at part-time to take advantage of their Employee Appreciation. Hello 40% off the entire store. I finally bought a pair of Oiselle shorts (and seriously regret not buying 4 pairs!), got a bike helmet so I can start commuting to work by bike, and a pair of bike shorts for those days I want to bike to work and still wear a dress. We spent about $300...with the 40% discount. Worth it.

We had plans to meet some of my co-workers for my friend Katie's birthday and made our way to El Rey but decided to take advantage of the weather and walk the 30 or so minutes it took to get there, stopping for a bit in Meridian Hill Park, just to enjoy the day.

I hadn't been to El Rey, but holy moly, it was the best Mexican food I've ever had. The Pilot, who flies to Mexico a few times a month, said he felt like he was back in Guadalajara, eating from a taco stand on the side of the road. It was amazing. I had a bunch of tacos, chased them with some Natty Boh, and basically died over the corn on the cob slathered in cotija cheese. Yum.

Corn on the cob has never tasted so good.
After El Rey, we headed to another bar on U Street and danced/yelled along to some awesome 80s jams before calling it a night.

Saturday morning, I slept until 10:30am and it was glorious. The Pilot and I got up and made our way to Old Town to get him measured/start looking at tuxes for the wedding. Then we decided to take Peyton to play on the National Mall. It was the perfect day for it and it was awesome to let her off of her leash to just run around and roll around in the grass.

We spent the evening on Capitol Hill, had pizza at We the Pizza and then strolled around Eastern Market before heading back out to Old Town for some ice cream and a stroll on the waterfront.

Sunday, we packed some water and snacks, got Peyton in the car and drove out to McLean to take a trip to Great Falls. Hiking Great Falls has long been on my DC Bucket List and it was awesome. We hiked the River and Matildaville trails. Peyton was such a trooper, scrambling up hills and over rocks and we had a great day. The weather was absolutely perfect and the Falls were gorgeous. It was only $5 to get into the park and, since an annual membership was $20, we decided to upgrade and will definitely be back through the summer and fall.

After our hike, we went to dinner in Clarendon and by 9:30, I was fast asleep. It was a perfect end to a perfect weekend. It's so great finally having The Pilot home on weekends. We had so much fun exploring DC (and surrounding areas), playing with Peyton and just being together. It was pretty awesome.

What did you do this weekend?
Have you ever taken your dog hiking?

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