July 14, 2014

A Recovery Weekend

I'm finally starting to feel human again. After two grueling weeks of late nights and early mornings, and just feeling tired all the time, this weekend was just what I needed to recover.

Guys, this weekend felt so long, it was wonderful! I felt like I was on vacation! I pretty much cancelled any and all plans in order to just go with the flow and that was wonderful.

Friday, I came home after work and cleaned up around the apartment. I put the laundry away, cleaned the kitchen, organized some wedding stuff, and then just kind of hung around until it was time to pick up The Pilot from the airport. We went and grabbed dinner and drinks around the corner from our apartment and then I crashed pretty early.

Saturday, I woke up at 7:30...so much for sleeping in. I spent the morning cleaning up my computer and then made some snacks before two of my friends came over for some pool time.

We spent the day lounging around the pool and it was glorious. Around 5:30, we decided to head to Old Town for dinner and drinks at O'Connell's, an Irish pub with surprisingly good food.

Sunday, The Pilot and I woke up and headed out for a 6 mile run. It was perfect. Well, the first three miles were perfect, and then I just felt like I was radiating heat and starting to boil. But the run? It was perfect. I never once even thought about my knee giving out. I just felt great. It was the first time I've run like that in over a year. Thanks PT <3.

We were so hot from our run, that we ran upstairs, changed into our swimsuits and DOVE into the pool. We spent about 30 minutes in the water, cooling down (and evening out my sexy racer back tan lines) before heading inside for the World Cup final.

I was hoping for an Argentine win but it was a great game and a great Cup and I had a lot of fun watching. After the match, I overhauled our hall closet and then we ran some errands before heading over to Bluejacket for dinner and drinks. I hadn't been there since there was snow on the ground and I wasn't at all disappointed, especially since it wasn't at all crowded. The last few times I'd been there, it was insane. We opted to sit at the bar instead of eating dinner, but I'm still itching to eat in the restaurant part of the place. Nonetheless, good food, good drinks and a perfect way to celebrate the 2 month mark to our wedding!

This weekend was filled with good food, good drinks, good friends, and a lot of Harry Potter. I have zero complaints.

How was your weekend?
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