August 7, 2014


Feeling... Happy. Today was just one of those morning's when I woke up counting my blessings. It's a good day today.

Reading... I finally finished reading Reading Lolita in Tehran on the Metro this morning. I was not happy with it and it took me almost a week to get through the last 30 pages because I was so unmotivated to read it. Next up? Andrea's pick for the book club that she invited me to join!

Drinking... Coffee. It's a necessity this morning...though I probably could have done with only half a cup because now I'm wired.

Listening to... Anna Kendrick's Cups. It's been awhile since I've heard this one. I love it. I also love that I can listen to music in my new office without speakers and not bother anyone since my new office is in a corner all on its own.

Working on... a list of things to do after the wedding. It includes seriously gearing up our search for a new apartment, giving this little blog a makeover, and a few other things.

Anticipating... my bachelorette party this weekend!

Loving... my new office. It's awesome. The area is awesome, my commute is great, and I just love it.

Obviously this was before I set anything up. 
So, that's what's going on in my corner of the world this week! Happy Thursday!
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