November 14, 2014


Feeling... Ready for the weekend. Despite having a day off this week, I'm just worn out this week.

Reading... The Kingmakers' Daughter, the fourth book in Philippa Gregory's Cousins' War Series. It's so good and the characters are so diabolical. This is serious guilty pleasure reading...I find it hilarious when people try to break down the mechanics of the book on's historical fiction, it isn't meant to be accurate, it's meant to be juicy.

Watching... A to Z and Master Chef two new favorite finds. Master Chef Junior is adorable. I'm incredibly impressed with these 9- and 10- year olds who can make things like blood orange and passion fruit cream pies from scratch without a recipe.

Listening to... The Pop Fitness station on Pandora. It's perfect for the treadmill. I haven't downloaded music in almost two years (I know) instead of still listening to "Call Me Maybe," I'm actually listening to music that's current.

Anticipating... my kombucha! It's Day 7 of brewing, and it typically brews for anywhere from 10-21 days (though everyone I know does it for closer to 10) I'm excited to see how it comes out!

Dreading... the cold. It was 71 degrees on Tuesday. It was 39 this morning and is expected to drop into the 20s tonight. Can I have summer back please?

Working on... Running. It's going much better than it did last year. I'm actually wearing an older pair of shoes with insoles and running much slower than I would like to and it's definitely making a difference.

Loving... that we're moving to our new place in a month. I'm so sick of our current apartment. The building management is awful. I'm so ready for a new place.

That's all I've got!
Happy Weekend!

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