January 13, 2015

New Beginnings

This weekend was fantastic. It was a {mostly} unplugged weekend. The Pilot was home, I saw a lot of friends, and I celebrated my last day at work.

Friday was my last day at my work. My staff took me out for drinks at Teddy & The Bully Bar, which I had been itching to go to since they opened last year. I had my first Moscow Mule and loved it! After post-work drinks, I met up with my friend Alicia at Poste for celebratory drinks. We both had a lot to celebrate and it was great to be able to do so. I got home and made some dinner and The Pilot came home from a trip around 10pm. We stayed up late into the night just talking and it was great.

Saturday, we woke up and headed upstairs to our neighbor/landlord's apartment for their son's birthday party. We met a lot of their friends and it was a great opportunity to get to know them a little bit better. After the party, we got back to our place and did some things around the house before running some errands and then heading over to Andrea's house for dinner.

Sunday, The Pilot and I woke up and it was time to start tackling the closet and really trying to make sense of our apartment. We were pretty successful, and I may be slightly optimistic but I think we can be fully settled by this weekend. We'll see though.

Once we finished tackling all of that, we headed over to our friends' house for dinner. They made an amazing salmon with brussel sprouts and a butternut squash salad out of The Runners' World Cookbook which I now have to buy. When we got home, I got some things ready for my first day at work and called it a night.

{I had an amazing weekend and took no pictures. Oops. When I said unplugged, I meant it.}

Yesterday was my first day of work and it was awesome. I have never felt so welcomed in an organization and I can already tell this is a great fit for me. See, when I was laid off two weeks before our wedding, it was devastating and scary. It all turned out OK when I was offered another job with  similar organization but within my first week, I knew that it wasn't a good fit for me. I had felt "stuck" in jobs that I wasn't happy at before and I didn't want that to happen again, so I started pursuing other opportunities and was so fortunate to have been offered one right before Christmas.

The thing is though, that already this feels different. For the first time, I feel like I'm starting a career, rather than just taking a job for the paycheck. I'm working with an incredibly mission-driven organization and have an incredibly supportive team and I'm really looking forward to seeing how things go.

So, here's to new beginnings.
I hope you're having an awesome start to the week!


  1. I'm so happy that you're loving your new job already! I'm unfortunately in the "feeling stuck" phase but..hopefully I'll find the right path sometime, somehow. It sounds like an amazing weekend though (food and resting and being unplugged, yes please). Yay!

  2. Yay for unplugged! And YAY for starting a career! :)

  3. I was so so happy to see that the new job went well! That's a huge relief and a great feeling to know that you fit!
    Your weekend sounds perfect! Lots of friends and hubby time and you got a ton accomplished!! Get it, girl!!! ;)

  4. Hooray for being unplugged and for kicking butt on your first day!!!! :)


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