April 16, 2015


Feeling... awful. My back hasn't hurt since after I went to the chiropractor last Friday but yesterday, it started bothering me and this morning, I woke up in excruciating pain. My walk to the Metro left me with stabbing pains up my back with every step. I'm going back to the chiro tonight but I might need to see a doctor if that doesn't help.

Pigs in Heaven by Barbara Kingsolver. I started this last week and should finish it by tomorrow. Even though it's been almost two years since I read the prequel (The Bean Trees), it picked up easily enough.

Watching...  Last Man on Earth on Fox. I started watching this show with my family when I was in Texas and it's hilarious. I roped The Pilot into it this week and we've watched all 9 episodes in the last few days. It's so good!

Thinking about... doing a sugar detox...and by thinking about, I mean seriously researching. I've always had a sweet tooth but lately, it's been out of control. There's no reason for me to be craving sweets as many times a day as I am. I've been working on eliminating refined sugars from my diet this year and it's concerning to me that my sugar cravings have increased in spite of this.

Working on...
our apartment...story of my life.

Needing... a fix to this situation with my back. I've had back injuries before, but I've never had pain like this.

Loving... that The Pilot is home. I haven't posted about this but in January, he was offered a job as a Captain for a different airline. It's an exciting promotion but it meant that he had to head to training for 3 months. He was able to come home some weekends, but never for more than 36 hours. For the last stretch, he was gone for almost a month and it was really hard.

Excited about... my mom coming to visit this weekend!

What are you up to today?

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