August 31, 2015

Chicago Marathon Training: Week 10

Six weeks to go!

I had a lackluster training week last week. I got my period and ever since I went off the pill, I have a really hard time training through it.

I did have a killer long run though. My training plan called for 20 miles but I only planned to do 18 because I thought 18, 20, 20 and 22 over the next few weeks seemed like a little much...but I felt good and missed out on some miles and I had a great run.

With six weeks to Race Day, I've got a lot of things I need to focus on. My knee started bothering me at Mile 19 yesterday and while it seemed to just be twinging, I really need to focus on cross- and strength - training like I've been saying I would from Day 1 and actually do it.

I realized at Mile 9 yesterday that I desperately needed new shoes. I've actually known that for awhile now but I didn't know what shoes I wanted since I didn't know if I wanted to keep running in what I have now. When I hit Mile 10 and realized my shoes had hit their last mile and I still had 10 miles to go, I knew I needed to go buy new shoes so I headed to Pacers yesterday afternoon for a new pair. This late in the game, I thought it made the most sense to just get the same shoes I had been running in...just a fresher pair, and that's exactly what I did.

Out with the old (L), in with the new (R)
I'm really happy with the way my long run went this weekend...I may not have had the best training week, but finally having a good long run...especially at this distance...finally made me feel like I can actually run this thing. I haven't felt like this until now. My training isn't finished, but I've put in enough miles to know that I can and will run Chicago.

Chicago Marathon Training: Week 10
Total Mileage Last Week: 35
Missed Workouts: I turned the 9 mile track workout I had into a 7 mile run commute to work...during which I fell...and the 4 miles I did Saturday should have been a 10 mile MGP workout on Friday but I left work Friday with horrible cramps and running just wasn't in the cards.
Planned Mileage this Week: 45
Goals for the Week: Yoga. Lifting. Cross-training in any form.

How was your week in training?
Do you struggle to cross-train or are you better at it than I am? ;)
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