December 16, 2015

If We Were Having Coffee...

It's the holiday season. Everyone is out and about running around, going to holiday parties, shopping, wrapping presents, etc. It's that time of the year when it's easy to say "I'm too busy." This holiday season, I'm making a conscious effort not to do that. If we were able to find time for a coffee date this week, here's what I would tell you.

Peyton is going to be fine.  The biopsy showed that the cancer was of a low enough grade that it wasn't able to spread and shouldn't come back. This was such a relief. Aside from the stress of Peyton's surgery, the added stress from the anticipation was driving me crazy. I was so scared that the surgery wouldn't be enough and that we'd be out of options, but that wasn't the case at all and our sweet pup is going to be just fine. 

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I'm having a really hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year. I haven't done any shopping, I haven't gone to any parties, I've been a bit of a grinch. I'm hoping to spend some time this weekend seeing all of the Christmas decorations around DC and I'm hoping that that will help.

I would tell you that I keep opening my 2016 planner and then walking away from it. This year has been really hard and I don't want next year to be anything like it. I'm looking forward to a fresh start, to spending a lot more time running, and to hopefully, a better year, but I'm having a hard time actually making plans for the New Year.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that this post has been a little depressing, so here's what I am looking forward to: time with mama, time with The Pilot, new friends and beginnings, Noche Buena (Christmas Eve), Rum Chata, and tons of puppy snuggles, because Peyton is going to be just fine, and that is truly a Christmas miracle!

Happy Hump Day!
What do you do when you're having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit?

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